Sunday, July 12, 2009


So, I've been trying to think of something that would be worthy of my very first blog, but it seemed as though nothing would ever be good enough. But finally I found it: my wife has a problem. And I could think of no other way to help rid her of this addiction than to "out her" on my first blog. it goes...

Anna is addicted to Diet Coke.

And we're not talking some normal petty addiction. This is the real deal. Several months ago (I don't think she knew I was around), Anna hugged her can of Diet Coke and said, "I haven't had you all day!" I was seriously waiting for Gollum voices and mutterings of "My Precioussssss"! And just today, as we were going to lunch, I asked Anna what she was going to get to drink. She, of course, replied "Diet Coke". I suggested that she pass up her addiction and try water instead. "But Diet Coke is what I look forward to most in a meal! I'd rather get less food and get my Diet Coke! I look more forward to Diet Coke than I do the food!"

I'm just saying...this is pretty serious.


  1. HA.HA.. I admit, I do love Diet Coke dearly. But what's the harm?? At least you know you can always make me happy by just simply opening up a cold can of Diet Coke... Those who love it mouths just watered--MMM :)

  2. She just said "open up a can!"

  3. I think there is a local 12-step program for this!... but it takes more time and expense than just feeding the addiction.

  4. Anna, I feel your pain. I'm not so much addicted to diet though as I am regular. But I know what it's like when someone you just want that one coke and you go to open it and BAM! Someone's shook it up. Almost makes you cry....

  5. I think it's a worthy addiction. I actually like the burn it gives me in my throat.

  6. I second this! tonight at dinner, Anna actually replied to Jene's comment of "quitting" Diet Coke because of some chemical in it with... "I don't care what it does to my body, I will still drink it." I think we need to hold an intervention.
